Awaken the Light: A Mid-Winter Ritual to Welcome the First Signs of Spring
Let’s explore a simple but powerful ritual to embrace the transition from winter to spring, invoking the energy of Brigid, the Celtic goddess of poetry, healing, and smithcraft. With just a few seasonal correspondences and tools, you can celebrate Imbolc and awaken the light within!
Welcoming Abundance - A Kitchen Witch’s Imbolc Ritual
Our resident Kitchen Witch, Ash, decided to put together an Imbolc ritual that can be conducted by solitairy practitioners and covens alike. Using kitchen magick, Ash offers an easy recipe to follow that you pair with a meditative ritual to bring abundance and prosperity in the coming Spring.
Candle Magick For New Witches
Candle magick is easy to learn, doesn’t require any kind of grand ritual, and can be customized in almost any way to fit your spellcasting needs — making it our number-one pick for witches just starting out. All you need is a candle, a flame, and confidence in your innate power.
The Magickal Art Of Spellcasting
How exactly do you cast a spell and what method of casting is right for your spiritual practice? Here's some info and advice we’ve gathered over our own magickal journeys to help you get started.
How To Attract The Fae
The fae might not always show themselves to us, but that’s not to say they aren’t there. These wonderfully bright beings are constantly working their magick behind-the-scenes, and if you approach them with respect and a childhood sense of wonder, they might just give you a hand in your own spells!
Full Moon Manifestation Brew
Just as The Wheel turns, the moon cycles through her phases. We’re sharing a magickal brew that you can stir up in your own kitchen to honor the full moon and enhance the success of your manifestations.