Awaken the Light: A Mid-Winter Ritual to Welcome the First Signs of Spring
Let’s explore a simple but powerful ritual to embrace the transition from winter to spring, invoking the energy of Brigid, the Celtic goddess of poetry, healing, and smithcraft. With just a few seasonal correspondences and tools, you can celebrate Imbolc and awaken the light within!
Samhain Pumpkin Bread for Personal Transformation
Pumpkins have long been associated with protection, abundance, and prosperity. Baking with pumpkin on Samhain allows us to set intentions for the months ahead, embracing change and welcoming prosperity into our lives. Let’s channel some of that autumn magick into a loaf of pumpkin bread that’s not only delicious but also a powerful tool for manifestation!
How to Deepen Your Connection with the Fae
Are you ready to strengthen your relationship with the Fae and dive deeper into their mystical world? In this post, we’ll explore advanced Faery Magick practices that will help you establish trust and mutual understanding, while bringing more earth-centered magick into your life.
The Magick Of Stovetop Brews
Centuries ago, witches relied heavily on the cauldron to brew magickal potions and other concoctions. In today’s modern world, having a bubbly, cast iron cauldron in the middle of our kitchen isn’t quite as common. But that doesn’t mean we’ve lost the ability to brew up some magick!
A Kitchen Witch’s Fall Equinox Feast
Traditionally, Fall Equinox feasts were held to honor the changing season and show thanks for the gifts both Earth and the Universe have provided. Our resident Kitchen Witch is sharing her very own Fall Equinox feast menu to help make yours all the more magickal!
DIY High Vibes Cleansing Spray
Our resident kitchen witch is sharing her very own recipe for a magickal spray that can be used on any surface. The magickal properties of the ingredients used in this spray raise vibrations and enhance feelings of love and abundance.
Creating Your Astral Home In The Faery Realm
If there’s one thing that our imaginative childhoods taught us, it’s that we have the power to create our own worlds if we’re just willing to believe. Are you ready to create your own sacred space in the Faery Realm? Here’s a few tips to get you started.
A Kitchen Witch’s Lammas Ritual
Baking bread is one of our favorite ways to practice kitchen magick, especially on Lammas. We want to share our very own Focaccia bread recipe and the ritual workings that we partake in while preparing this yummy dish.
What Is Lughnasadh?
On August 1st, we’ll be celebrating Lughnasadh, a time to reap the rewards of our hard work and appreciate the abundance around us. Do you know the backstory behind this magickal day or where its name came from? We’ve got all the details you need to know!
A Summer Solstice Luncheon
The Summer Solstice is just around the corner, so our resident kitchen witch is sharing a magickal luncheon that’s packed full of summer freshness and flavor. The best part about this luncheon? It requires minimal cooking!
Celebrating Summer Solstice With The Fae
During the Summer Solstice, it’s easier to see the Fae and receive their messages, making it the prime time to strengthen your relationship with them and build a solid rapport. They thrive in the greenery of summer, and many are even happy to join in on your sabbat celebrations by dancing and singing their ancient songs. All you have to do is invite them!
Celebrating Beltane With The Fae
Fire rituals, music, and dancing are all standard ways to celebrate this day, but there are plenty of other things you can do to welcome the Fae into your home and honor their presence during Beltane. Here are a few of our favorite ways to celebrate.
Faery Pleased Lavender Rose Bread
Even if you’re new to your path, or you don’t work with the Fae, this bread recipe is loaded with high vibrational energy which can raise your own frequencies. As long as you infuse this bread with your positive intent and powerful innate magick, opportunities to grow and prosper will show themselves.
Welcoming Abundance - A Kitchen Witch’s Imbolc Ritual
Our resident Kitchen Witch, Ash, decided to put together an Imbolc ritual that can be conducted by solitairy practitioners and covens alike. Using kitchen magick, Ash offers an easy recipe to follow that you pair with a meditative ritual to bring abundance and prosperity in the coming Spring.
Springtime Veggie Bowl For Renewing Energy
This springtime recipe is fit for witches of all experience levels, kitchen witches and non-kitchen witches alike. You won’t need a chef’s hat for this delightfully witchy meal!
Creating Abundance With Cinnamon Waffles
Since breakfast tends to be our first meal of the day, it makes for the perfect time to cast a little kitchen magick to influence your day. This can be something as simple as drinking a glass of orange juice to help encourage a promotion at work or making light and fluffy cinnamon waffles to attract all forms of abundance. We have the recipe for you!
Candle Magick For New Witches
Candle magick is easy to learn, doesn’t require any kind of grand ritual, and can be customized in almost any way to fit your spellcasting needs — making it our number-one pick for witches just starting out. All you need is a candle, a flame, and confidence in your innate power.
Honoring The Tomte During Yule
Did you know there is a specific gnome spirit that is directly tied to Yule? We’re here to explain the origins of the Tomte spirit, what they represent to us today, and how you can honor them in your home during the holiday season.
What Offerings Should I Give The Fae?
“I want to work with the Fae, but I’m not sure what to offer them!” We hear this all of the time, and it’s easy to see why picking out offerings for the Fae might be tricky. Thankfully, there are a ton of offerings (both physical and energetic!) that are almost universally loved by the beneficial Fair Folk.
5 No-Cook Ways To Practice Kitchen Magick
A lot of people may think that the only way to do this is to whip up a recipe and cook, but we're here to tell you that there are so many other ways to practice kitchen magick than by cooking!