Kitchen Witchcraft Solstice Sisters Kitchen Witchcraft Solstice Sisters

Justice Dessert: “Pear” Trial Cobbler

Due to the world’s current events of racial injustice - especially prevalent in the US - we want to tap into the original symbolism of the pear tree rather than the lovey-dovey counterpart it is usually recognized for. And what better way to tap into the magick of food than with kitchen magick?

Pears are one of the oldest cultivated fruits known to man and have long been associated as gifts from the gods. Believed to have originated in China and the Asia Minor, pears were beloved by many across all lands, especially Europe. The Greek poet Homer even wrote of his admiration of the fruit in his ever-famous Odyssey poem!

Magickally, pears typically represent longevity and passion, so they're usually used in love spells. But that’s not where today’s focus on this tasty fruit will be. Instead, we want to shine a light on a rather uncommon story that gives a different purpose to pears - one that we feel is the most potent purpose due to it taking place at the natural origin of the pear tree; China.

In the 11th century, Duke of Shao, a high-ranking minister of the Zhou dynasty, was entrusted to govern the people of the south region and did so with great benevolence. When he would stay in the countryside, he would hold trials outside a small cottage underneath a pear tree. His fairness when it came to justice was so well recognized that the people even wrote numerous poems about his fair judgment of both nobles and ordinary people alike. In the poem “Gan Tang”, the main content reads “Do not cut the pyrus betulaefolia tree, Duke of Shao rested under it; do not cut the pyrus betulaefolia tree, Duke of Shao tried the case under it.”

Duke of Shao’s way of trials did not come by coincidence either. He purposely carried out on-the-spot trials under the concept of valuing people, being favorable and convenient to people; a method that many legal systems across the globe should adopt today.

Due to the world’s current events of racial injustice - especially prevalent in the US - we want to tap into the original symbolism of the pear tree rather than the lovey-dovey counterpart it is usually recognized for. And what better way to tap into the magick of food than with kitchen magick?


  • 1 ripe pear, peeled and sliced (canned pears will work as well)

  • Local honey (or agave if you’re vegan)

  • Ground cinnamon

  • Flour

  • Butter, sliced (vegan butter works, too)

Making Magick

Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Arrange your pear slices in a baking dish and drizzle with honey, followed by a sprinkle of cinnamon. The combination of all 3 of these ingredients will create an ambiance of good luck and attract the attention of deities so that they work within your favor.

Sprinkle flour over the pear mixture until lightly covered.

Place slices of butter on top until covered completely. This will make your cobbler crust so be generous and make sure to cover as much as you can!

Cup your hands over the cobbler and gently close your eyes. Envision a globe of white light forming in your hands and flowing into the cobbler. As you’re doing this, hold space within you of intent to bring justice and equality to the world. You can even ask the Universe to inspire justice systems with the same ideals that Duke of Shao once practiced.

Place your dish in the oven and allow to bake 30-40 minutes, or until the crust is bubbly and brown.

You can either choose to leave the dish on your altar as an offering to the Universe, asking it to disperse the cobbler’s magickal properties across the world, or you may eat the cobbler and serve as a vessel of magick and intently disperse the energy into the world as you go about your day.

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Kitchen Witchcraft, Rituals Solstice Sisters Kitchen Witchcraft, Rituals Solstice Sisters

Easy To Grow Herbs For Kitchen Magick

We want to share with you my personal favorite kitchen magick herbs that are not only tasty but also very easy to grow. Even if you’re a brown thumb that burns everything in the kitchen, you can still likely grow one of these herbs right from your kitchen counter!

Hello, Ash here - the resident kitchen witch for Solstice Sisters. One of the things that I love about being a kitchen witch is how easy it is for me to incorporate other types of witchcraft into my kitchen magick. Fae witchcraft, hearth witchcraft, lunar witchcraft, all the witchcraft!

There is one type of witchery that I tend to gravitate more towards, especially during the spring. Can you guess what it is? I’ll give you a involves dirt and lots of plants. Welcome to the world of green witchcraft! Green witchcraft goes hand in hand with kitchen witchcraft if you think about it. If you’re not familiar with this path, the best way to describe it is the practice of working with plants and the natural elements. In kitchen magick, you use a lot of herbs, spices, and veggies in your spellwork - AKA green magick!

I want to share with you my personal favorite kitchen magick herbs that are not only tasty but also very easy to grow. Even if you’re a brown thumb that burns everything in the kitchen, you can still likely grow one of these herbs right from your kitchen counter which will permeate your kitchen with all the lovely green magick they embody.


Basil has been a plant ally of mine for years. It is SO easy to grow and even easier to propagate. You can buy them year-round and they don’t require that much attention. Just stick them in a well-drained container and keep the water moist then harvest them when they’re ready! You can add it to soups, salads, or make a yummy pesto.

Basil has heavy abundance energy and also serves as a wonderful protectant from negative influences. Pick a leaf and carry it in your wallet to attract money or dry it and sprinkle around your home for a powerful protection barrier.


Part of the onion family, chives make for a great indoor herb because of its tolerance for low-light but also enjoys full sun if you have a sunny kitchen. It’s easy to care for only needing regular watering. They tend to mature for harvest rather quickly - within 60 days of sprouting! When ready all you have to do is trim them down to the base.

Chives also have heavy protective energy and can also be used in weight loss spells. You can add them to your baked potatoes, salads, and even eggs! I personally love to blend it with cream cheese or butter to spread on my morning bagels.


This versatile herb is possibly the easiest of all herbs to grow indoors. Keeping the soil lightly moist will make them happy and flourish even if it doesn’t get much sun. When you need to add some to your cooking all you have to do is pinch off a few springs and viola! Not to mention parsley goes well on just about ANY dish. Yum!

A good luck herb, parsley can be carried to increase your luck and attract positive energies. You can also burn dried parsley to improve divination practices. It also promotes health so adding this as a colorful finish to your dishes is an easy way to add some healing magick to your day!

So, those are my top 3 favorite herbs to grow for kitchen magick! The best part? You can grow them together in a single container! They compliment each other quite well and all have very similar needs in terms of care. So if you’ve been wanting to try your hand at growing some plants indoors and incorporate some green witchcraft into your practice, we highly recommend starting with these three easy to grow herbs. Get your hands dirty and sprout some magick today 🌱

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Kitchen Witchcraft, Rituals Solstice Sisters Kitchen Witchcraft, Rituals Solstice Sisters

Faery Magick Crystals

When it comes to Faery Magick, there’s a lot of trial-and-error! Here are a few of our absolute favorite Faery Magick crystals that you can try if you want to attract these beautiful beings into your life.

Want a nearly foolproof way to attract the Fae into your magickal practice? Look no further than one of Mother Earth’s greatest gifts: healing crystals! Gems, crystals, stones...whatever you want to call them, using these tools to commune with the Faery Realm can help you build a solid relationship with the Fae, as well as invite their abundant wisdom and blessings into your daily life. They can be used to balance our spirit, bring us back in tune with the frequency of the faeries, and aid in channeling intense energy for rituals. By using crystals associated with Faery Magick, you’ll be better equipped to tap into their realm and able to connect with the good folk on a deeper, ethereal level. While all crystals and stones have magickal abilities, some are more receptive than others when it comes to attracting the Fae. These include Amethyst, Staurolite, and Clear Quartz. It honestly depends on what Fae spirit you’re working with, as well as their individual taste. When it comes to Faery Magick, there’s a lot of trial-and-error! Here are a few of our absolute favorite Faery Magick crystals that you can try if you want to attract these beautiful beings into your life:


Renowned for its ability to call the Fae, this stone is connected to heart chakra and associated with prophecy. Using this stone in your practice helps when communicating with beings from other realms and enhances your relationship with the elementals. Prehnite’s power goes through the roof if used while in deep meditation, such as visiting your home in the Faery Realm or petitioning the Tuatha De Danann. We personally love this stone because of its deep green color, which helps us connect with the earthy nature of the Faeries and tap into the serenity of the Faery Realm. It’s basically our go-to when we need to phone our Faery guides from the other side, and we like to think that’s due to the mossy vibes from Prehnite. Its energy is also very protective, which is helpful when exploring the Faery Realm in general.

Herkimer Diamonds

Known as “Fairy Diamonds”, these incredibly clear and powerful gems are naturally double-terminated and look like they were made of the morning dew from a flower in the Faery Realm. They’re drops of clear magick, and many witches use Herkimer Diamonds for the tips of their wands in order to channel Faery Magick in their rituals. You can also place them in the windows of your home to attract the Fae and let them know that you are open to their messages. Another amazing tidbit about Herkimer Diamonds is that they are one of the best energizing crystals around, and you’ll need that extra energy to tap into the high frequencies of the Fae. They add an extra signal boost to your intentions, and I’ve found that placing these diamonds into crystal grids is like adding firecrackers to my spellwork — it pops off.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is an all-around perfect stone, but did you know it can help you when performing Faery Magick? Its protective and purifying properties can help you stay grounded while in the Faery Realm, where you’re more likely to become disoriented or lost. You can also use Black Tourmaline when trying to make direct contact with the Fae, which will lessen the chances of you running into a malevolent Faery spirit during divination. Personally, we love to have Black Tourmaline on hand when doing deep meditations into the Faery Realm because it keeps us calm and focused.


Faeries love creative energy and fostering abundance, which is why they take such a liking to Citrine. We've found that the Fae are really attracted to its bright and warm energy, and every time that we've used this crystal in our summertime rituals, the Fae immediately pop up and start making noise. We believe they love and care for Citrine so much because it helps us stay positive and motivated, which calls to their own lively natures. Fun fact: this crystal is known to help witches connect with the Royal Faeries, who can assist you in abundance spellwork. Using Citrine in these types of rituals will let them know that you are open to receiving Faery blessings. It’s also self-cleaning, which is an amazing feat in itself. Citrine takes the negative energy and transmutes it into higher, more positive frequencies that resonate more deeply with the Fae. How cool is that?

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is not only gorgeous to look at, but it’s also a high-frequency powerhouse with the ability to connect with other realms. It’s my favorite protective stone by far and has come in handy more than once when dealing with some of the more “tricky” Fae. Smoky Quartz was sacred to the ancient Druids from Scotland, who called it the Stone of Power, who worked closely with the Faeries of Scotland. This multipurpose crystal can keep you grounded during shadow work and protected while performing Faery Magick, and it’s also amazing to have around for transmuting negative energy. It acts as a shield while you work with the Fae, keeping you safe and surrounded by surrounding you in beneficial faery light.

Lists are fine and all, but this is by no means a complete collection of crystals that the fae will be attracted to. Although these are some of our favorites, not all faeries are the same and while some will like shiny clear crystals, others may like petrified wood or hag stones. Some will only accept pure crystals from the Earth, while others we've encountered specifically asked for man-made creations such as Goldstone. We simply listen to the Fae and let them guide us when choosing crystals. If you feel called to a particular crystal, stone, or even metal...grab it! Listen to what your Fae are asking for and pay attention to what catches your eye. Is there a particular gem that you can’t stop thinking of? That’s probably the fae asking for a new stone to enjoy! They will intuitively guide you to the crystals that they enjoy the most if you heed their call 🧚

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Faery Delicious Lavender Syrup

Our resident kitchen witch has put together a very simple recipe that anyone can throw together. The best part? Your household Fae will LOVE it and it is so versatile in the kitchen! So, if you’re wanting to mix and mingle kitchen magick and Faery magick, this recipe is for you.

Springtime is the peak season of the Fae, making it the perfect time to jump into Faery Magick. And the wonderful thing about Fae magick is that it can be incorporated into all types of practices and paths. In fact, our resident kitchen witch uses Fae magick intertwined with kitchen magick quite regularly!

Faery Magick is the practice of listening to the messages of the Good Folk and following your intuition while Kitchen Magick is the practice of setting intentions in the food and beverages that you prepare in your kitchen. So when you combine the two, you’re simply crafting intuitive magick in the kitchen to appeal to your household Fae. This can be accomplished in so many ways, whether it be baking cookies to offer to your house Fae or stirring some Fae magick into your beverage so that you can fully embody the blessings of the Good Folk.

Our resident kitchen witch has put together a very simple recipe that anyone can throw together. The best part? Your household Fae will LOVE it and it is so versatile in the kitchen! So, if you’re wanting to mix and mingle kitchen magick and Faery magick, this recipe is for you.

What You Need:

  • An airtight storage container

  • 2 cups of water

  • 2 cups of granulated sugar

  • 2 Tablespoons of dried lavender

What To Do:

Bring the water to a slow boil in a saucepan over the stove.

Whisk in the sugar once the water is boiling. Continue whisking until the sugar is dissolved.

Add in the lavender buds and whisk.

Remove from heat and allow it to cool.

Strain the mixture to separate the lavender buds from the syrup.

Add the mixture to your airtight container and store in the refrigerator. Offer the leftover buds to your household Fae to invite love and harmony into your home.

As far as how to use your syrup, here is a list of foods and beverages you can add it to:

  • Lemonade

  • Lattes

  • Cocktails

  • Whipped cream

  • Cake batter

  • Over pancakes or waffles

  • Ice Cream

And always remember to leave out a small serving to your house Fae. They will gleefully return abundant blessings!

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5 Plants To Please The Fae

We thought we'd share some plants that are irresistible to the Fae so that you, too, can invite their beautiful energy into your space and receive their blessings. Some are traditional to Faery folklore, while others are ones we have used in our own practices and felt the fae’s spirit within.

The Fae have shown us that no matter how bad you may think you are at gardening, if you provide them with the right plants and energy, they’ll protect those babies with everything they’ve got!

We thought we'd share some plants that are irresistible to the Fae so that you, too, can invite their beautiful energy into your space and receive their blessings. Some are traditional to Faery folklore, while others are ones we have used in our own practices and felt the fae’s spirit within. Intuition truly is your best guide when adding onto your faery garden!

Here are a few of our favorite fae-pleasing plants:


Quite common in decorative gardens, Foxgloves are beautiful flowers that have long been tied to the fae. It’s said that planting Foxglove next to your front door will help invite faeries in, while keeping a cutting of Foxglove on your altar helps boost your spells with faery magick. The Good Folk are very protective of this plant, so if you need to take a small cutting or trim the plant while gardening, always remember to ask the fae first. If you see foxglove growing in the wild, leave them be and do not harvest them at all. Causing undue harm to a Foxglove or neglecting to care for your personal plant properly can bring out the ire of the fae, causing a string of bad luck until they’ve been appeased. One Norwegian folklore tells how the fae showed foxes how to ring the bell-shaped flowers to warn each other of danger -- in this case, hunters looking for fox skins. What a beautiful connection! But whatever you do...don’t ingest the flowers! Like Morticia Addams, Foxgloves are beautiful but deadly.


The quickest way to attract the faeries into your magickal workings — other than outright covering yourself in moss and becoming a tree — is to plant clover! Clovers attract fae that deal with love, loyalty, and psychic abilities. If you’re looking to delve deeper into the mysteries of divination, keep a small pot of clovers near your reading table or altar. It’s believed that by cultivating clover and bringing it’s lush energy into your home, that the fae are more likely to show themselves to you. Since clovers are (surprise!) edible, here’s a neat practical magick tip if you’re looking to incorporate the fae’s energy into your daily life: infuse distilled water with clover and enchant it under the full moon. Drink this water while working faerie spells or meditating in the Faerie Realm to help open your third eye. This will help you see the fae and interact with their energy more easily.


These gorgeous flowers are guaranteed to attract the fae and make them happy! In Scotland, where the fae run wild, Bluebells traditionally represented humility, gratitude, and everlasting love. Similar to the clover, Bluebells are said to help humans see the fae more easily and connect with their energy on a physical level. In folklore, fairies were said to ring the tiny bells of this plant to summon the Good Folk to their faery gatherings. Since they’re sacred to the faeries in this way, it was told that the fae would cast spells on anyone who damaged or picked bluebells. This lead to many in Scotland refusing to walk through fields of Bluebells, which was considered unlucky and unwise.

Planting Bluebells in an outdoor garden gives the fae somewhere to dance and enjoy themselves. They’re relatively easy to care for, even for witches who didn’t get the green thumb. They do best in partially shaded areas of the garden, along hedges and underneath orchard trees. The nectar from these beautiful flowers also attracts butterflies and bees, which will please the fae even more and attract their blessings.


Thyme is an excellent addition to your garden due to its deep connection to the Sidhe and its use in kitchen witchery. What better way to combine faery magick and food? Sprinkling Thyme along your windowsills and doorways has long been said to attract the fae into your home, and this herb can be used in pillow sachets to help you interact with fae in the Faery Realm during your astral travels. Carrying sprigs of Thyme around with you can also help you see the physical manifestations of faeries, however there is also folklore to suggest that this can protect you from faery mischief as well.

If you have a Thyme plant, try making your own infused oil for use in faery magick spells! Simply — and gently — crush your Thyme in a small pestle and add it to a jar of olive oil. Store the jar in a cool, dark place for around 2 weeks. You can either leave the herbs in or strain them, depending on your preference. This homemade magickal oil can then be used to anoint charms or divination tools.


Last but never least, Elderberries have one of the strongest connections to the Good Folk out of any plant. Faeries love berries, and the Elderberry is no exception. Thought to be a gateway to the Underworld, Elderberries are associated with the Goddess and faeries will go crazy for this plant each and every time they’re around it. Specifically, Elderberries that have been picked around Midsummer are imbued with potent faerie magick and should be preserved for use in manifestation spells.

Now that you know some of our favorite fae-pleasing plants, get out there and grow some faery magick of your own! 🌱

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How To Make An Inconspicuous Kitchen Altar

Our resident kitchen witch has put together a list of some of her own kitchen altar items. These items are so ordinary that only the trained eye would notice these as being ‘out of place’.

One of the most important things in a witch’s practice is their altar. It's the sacred space dedicated to magick and honors whatever energy the witch chooses to work with at the time. Some witches even have more than one altar, ourselves included! An altar can be used to honor just about anything from deities, to seasons, to crystals, to money....the list goes on and on. But that’s the magick behind witchcraft - it’s so versatile that it can meet any witch’s needs.

Altars are often used to craft spells and encourage specific energies in the area. For a lot of witches still in the broom closet, it may be hard to have an out-in-the-open altar. Having a kitchen altar is a great way to work around this problem! Extremely inconspicuous, kitchen altars are a great way to have your cake and eat it too.

Our resident kitchen witch has put together a list of some of her own kitchen altar items. These items are so ordinary that only the trained eye would notice these as being ‘out of place’. Using a small space on your kitchen counter where you most often prepare food, or the center of your dinner table, as your altar space and decorating it with these suggested items is the perfect way to sneak an altar into your home without anyone ever noticing.


Crystals are perfect for the kitchen! Not only do they add a sparkle to any space, but they also raise vibrations and encourage energy for just about any need or desire. Placing crystals such as rose quartz or lepidolite on your kitchen altar can add loving energy to the air as well as your meals!


Candles are a lovely addition to any witch’s altar including the kitchen witch’s. Using the appropriate color candle - or just plain white - you can encourage the energy in your kitchen to match your needs. Simply being in your kitchen while the candle is lit will allow the energy to embody you and be with you throughout the day.

Fresh Fruit & Veggies

Displaying fresh fruit and vegetables on your kitchen altar is a wonderful way to encourage specific energies into your space. You can even pair different ones to compliment each other. For instance, an onion offers protection from negative influences and an apple encourages loving vibrations. Put them together and you have some strong love magick brewing safely under a protective shield!


Flowers will brighten any room, making them a beautiful and inconspicuous kitchen altar decoration. Keeping them seasonal will honor the turn of the wheel and double as a sabbat altar for the solstices. Furthermore, fresh flowers tend to make house Fae very happy and they will shower your meals with blessings as a thank you.

What are some of your favorite sly witchy items for the kitchen? Let us know in the comments!

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5 Common Seasonings For The Witch’s Kitchen

Our resident kitchen witch is sharing 5 everyday seasonings that can be found in just about any witch’s kitchen pantry that can also be used in your spellwork. Grab those measuring spoons and tie on that apron - let’s get witchy in the kitchen!

The magickal thing about kitchens is that they're so versatile, including the herbs and spices in your pantry. Believe it or not, a lot of seasonings that you regularly have on hand to use probably have all the magickal properties you need to cast a plethora of spells!

Our resident kitchen witch is sharing 5 everyday seasonings that can be found in just about any witch’s kitchen pantry that can also be used in your spellwork. Grab those measuring spoons and tie on that apron - let’s get witchy in the kitchen!

Black Pepper

This handy spice goes with just about any flavor profile, especially in savory dishes. Packed full of protection energy, black pepper can be added to a meal such as scrambled eggs or tofu and eaten for breakfast so that you start your day off encompassed in a shield of protection from negative influences. Black pepper is also associated with the element of fire so it can also be used to increase the passion and motivation behind your intentions.


If you don’t like garlic, we can’t be friends. Kidding! For those of you that do like garlic you probably have a bottle of garlic powder sitting in your spice cabinet right now. And man oh man, can you use it on just about any dinner! Garlic mashed potatoes, garlic in soup, garlic toast, garlic on all the things! Aside from its tastiness, garlic also wards off negative energy - hence where the whole ‘vampires hate garlic’ myth came from. Adding garlic powder to a dish is an easy way to do some protective kitchen magick.


Even though they make us cry when we chop them, onions are actually brimming with amazing energy. Onions are often used in prosperity magick. They are also another great source for protection and absorbs any negative energy it comes in contact with making it a wonderful tool in energy healing. Onion powder adds a unique flavor to all dishes making it a very versatile spice to have on hand. You can add it to a soup or even a pasta dish to enhance both flavor and magickal properties!


Salt is an amazing mineral that can go on just about anything. Think about it -- it even goes on chocolate. That's how versatile and awe-inspiring this super mineral is. Salt is a seasoning that actually helps to enhance all types of flavors, both savory and sweet. It's a direct correspondence of the earth element making it a great ingredient for cleansing or purifying energy fields. Adding a little salt to your food is a great way to aid in prosperity spells, too!


Yep, even sugar serves a purpose in magick. It's said to help ‘sweeten’ the success of spells, making it a great addition to any type of spellwork. Sometimes used in love spells, it can also help to increase one’s sweetness towards another person or situation. Adding a spoonful of sugar to your cup of tea or coffee is a great way to bring positive energy to your morning ritual.

As you can see, whipping up magick into your daily meals isn’t as complex as you may have thought. Here at Solstice Sisters, we believe that magick should flow effortlessly rather than feeling like a chore. Kitchen magick provides just that, as food is the center point of providing nourishment in our physical lives. Tapping into the spiritual nourishment of food doesn’t mean you have to be a 5-star chef. All it takes is you unlocking your own magick.

If you're a kitchen witch just starting out, be sure to check out our Resources page! We've compiled a running list of our personal favorite witchy books that have helped us develop our individual practices as witches.

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Kitchen Witchcraft, Rituals Solstice Sisters Kitchen Witchcraft, Rituals Solstice Sisters

How To Attract The Fae

The fae might not always show themselves to us, but that’s not to say they aren’t there. These wonderfully bright beings are constantly working their magick behind-the-scenes, and if you approach them with respect and a childhood sense of wonder, they might just give you a hand in your own spells!

The fae might not always show themselves to us, but that’s not to say they aren’t there. These wonderfully bright beings are constantly working their magick behind-the-scenes, and if you approach them with respect and a childhood sense of wonder, they might just give you a hand in your own spells!

Welcoming The Good Folk

The number one key to attracting the fae is actually pretty simple: acknowledge their presence. When you start the day, say good morning and offer them a small bit of milk or cream as you make your coffee. Greet them as you water your plants and create enchanted little nooks around your home to give them a space of their own. Household fae love offerings that are left out for them at night, especially gifts of bread or milk. Mine are especially fond of honey drizzled over fresh berries, and I always pour them the first cup of tea out of every pot. My point is, if you make it cozy and let them know that you appreciate and welcome their presence in your home, they will return the energy in kind.

Another tip when attracting the fae is to keep your space clean and tidy. The fae aren’t a fan of anything that might block the flow of their energy, and they may be chaotic but a lot of them (such as the tomte) don’t like messes. With that said, they’ll throw little fae parties if you fill your home with as many plants as possible. That’s not clutter to them -- it’s atmosphere.

Get Plantin’

If there’s one thing the fae love, it’s greenery. They thrive in natural environments, so the more plant life that you offer them around your home, the more likely they will be to visit. So which ones attract the most fae? Here’s a quick list of the ones my household fae go crazy for:

The fae will love all kinds of plants, though, so whatever calls to you and your household spirits is what you should plant. They’ll be just as in love with a succulent as they will with a peony. Just start planting! If you’re a city witch without a lot of space, get some shade-loving plants for the balcony or window-sill. Trust me, you’ll see the fae pop in for a visit in no time at all.

Time To Meditate

Last but not least: take the time each day to meditate on the faery realm and talk to the fae. It doesn’t have to be for very long; my daily talks with the fae usually only last for ten minutes in our time…but it feels much longer when you’re actually meditating. Here’s a peek into my daily meditation routine: Light a floral or woodsy incense, put on some calming flute music, and lay down on the floor. Taking a few deep breaths, open your heart and third eye to the energy of the fae. Envision yourself walking down a forest path that opens up into an overgrown courtyard, where a small pond awaits in the middle. Politely greet the fae and thank them for the blessings they’ve shared with you while sit by the small pond. Stare into the waters and look for signs from the fae, or listen to the forest around you for their movement. Spend time each day meditating in this sacred mind-palace, and get comfortable in this meditative state. In this place, they can easily send messages to you. The more time you spend meditating in this gathering place and letting the fae know that you're open to their wisdom, the more messages you will receive. If you ever feel uncomfortable traveling to the faery realm, hold a protective stone such as black tourmaline or tigers eye while you meditate.

If you follow some of these tips, you might be surprised by who stops in for a visit. Have you had any faery visitors lately? Let us know in the comments!

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Return To Sender Smoothie

Today our resident kitchen witch is sharing a twist on a traditional spell and blending it into a protective smoothie. So grab your blender and get ready because we are about to get kitchen witchin’!

As witches, one of the most important types of magick we can do for ourselves is protection magick. Every day we are faced with risks of all sorts, but the amazing thing about protection magick is how versatile it is! You can cast a protection spell for literally anything, whether that be protection from bad luck, accidents, illness, or even emotional protection from a toxic situation.

But what about protection from personal or psychic attacks from other people? You know those types. The ones who seemingly have a mission to ‘steal your vibe’. The ones who hold grudges for personal reasons and seek ‘revenge’. The ones who do everything in their power to send negative (or even harmful!) energy your way. Better yet, how do you reflect their negative intentions so they bounce back without malice?

Today our resident kitchen witch is sharing a twist on a traditional spell and blending it into a protective smoothie. So grab your blender and get ready because we are about to get kitchen witchin’!

Return To Sender Smoothie:

  • 1 Peeled and Sliced Peach

  • ½ cup Blueberries

  • 1 cup Chopped Pineapple

  • 1 Tablespoon Honey

  • 1 Tablespoon Lime Juice

  • ½ cup Orange Juice

  • ½ cup Coconut Milk

  • Blender

  • White candle

  • Black Candle

  • Dragon’s Blood Incense

Start by cleansing your workspace, tools, and ingredients if you have not done so already. A simple smoke cleanse with a sage bundle will do just the trick or any other cleansing method that you prefer! This will help to purify and amplify the spell.

Next, light your candles and incense. The white candle will provide protective energies while the black candle will provide deflective energies for your kitchen magick. The dragon’s blood incense will increase the overall potency of your magickal smoothie.

Take your fruit and add it to the blender with the orange juice. Blend until smooth, then add in remaining ingredients and blend again. As your ingredients are blending, imagine the protective properties of your ingredients coming together as one. Envision the blender drawing in the energy of your candles, offering a reflective shield around your smoothie. Think specifically about the person sending you negative or harmful energy -- if they are unknown, you can think about protecting yourself from attacks in general rather than focusing on a specific person.

Once your smoothie is well blended, pour it into a glass and drink it! In doing this you will be embodying all the protective and reflective energy that you blended into your smoothie. Now, anytime that person lashes out, not only will you be protected from the attack but it’ll also reflect that energy back like a mirror! Drink up, let it go, and let Karma do its thing.

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Kitchen Witchcraft, Rituals Solstice Sisters Kitchen Witchcraft, Rituals Solstice Sisters

What Is Faery Magick?

For those who haven’t worked with the Fae before, there’s a lot of confusion about where to start...or even if they should practice Faery Magick in the first place. There are some great books out there to get you started, but for the most part faery magick is a very personal experience that needs a hands-on approach. Let’s get started with the basics!

**This post was written by our resident fae witch, Jen, and is a look into her personal way of working with the Fae. We hope you enjoy this little intro to how she practices faery magick!**

As we near Beltane and the veil between the worlds thin, I can’t help but think about how I started working with the Fae. They’ve always been present in my life, and I’ve been seeing them as far back as I can remember. I’ve never looked at them as anything scary or supernatural; faeries and nature spirits are as natural to me as breathing. They’re an extension of the Earth, pulsing with an ancient power that’s hard to describe...they’re just there. I would regularly talk to them, leave little gifts, and thank them when they would return a lost item. It wasn’t until I was well into adulthood that I started working this natural relationship with the Fae into my witchy path. Since then, I’ve manifested more than I ever thought possible thanks to their blessings. They’ve also helped me work with my shadow self in ways that I didn’t think possible. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve worked with other spirits, gods, and goddesses. I even have a matron goddess who doesn’t even belong in the Celtic pantheon! But that’s the thing about Faery’s universal and the good folk are everywhere. The Fae are always present in my life, surrounding me with their powerful energy and, in turn, empowering me to be the most badass witch I can be. There is room for Faery Magick in every path; in fact, most cultures have some sort of Fae within their mythology. As long as you have an open mind and come to the Fae with genuine respect for their power, you can embrace their magick and channel it to make some serious change in your life.

That’s where a lot of baby witches hit a snag though. For those who haven’t worked with the Fae before, there’s a lot of confusion about where to start...or even if they should practice Faery Magick in the first place. There are some great books out there to get you started, but for the most part faery magick is a very personal experience that needs a hands-on approach. The way you work with the Fae is inevitably going to be different than how I do it. This is why I want to share how I work with the Fae and the messages they’ve shared with me -- so that you can take from my experiences and blaze your own path. Let’s get started with the basics:

Who Are The Fae?

The Faery Folk, also known as the Good Folk, are ancient beings that inhabited our Earth long before the Celts or the Anglo-Saxons. In fact, Faeries are believed to have descended from the Tuatha De Danann, a magickal race of gods and goddesses that made their home in Ireland after descending from the sky on Beltane. Due to the Faeries’ connection with the Tuatha De Danann, many witches who practice Faery Magick also work with Celtic pantheon. As nature spirits, the Fae are mysterious and often unseen but they are constantly working their magick to shape the world around us. They live in the trees, the rocks, the breeze, the grass, and every living part of the Earth. They can appear as wisps of light or stay invisible, only known by the things they move around and leave behind. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t see them. Trust me, they’re there.

Despite what you might think, the Fae are not what cartoons would have you believe. They are so much more than fairies and pixies — the Fae also encompasses gnomes, dragons, mermaids, elves, trolls...and a bevy of other “mythological” creatures that can cross the veil into our realm. In my own belief, the Fae once ruled the Earth but crossed the veil into another realm once man started destroying their natural habitat. Just like humans, there’s a lot of grey when it comes to Faeries, but not to fear. If you ever stumble onto a not-so-nice Fae, all you have to do is assert your boundaries and tell them no. You don’t have to work with any energy — including a pushy Fae. As with any spirit I’ve worked with, I’ve clearly laid out my boundaries beforehand and thoroughly done my research before inviting them into my space. Do the same with the Fae and you’ll be fine. Don’t let anyone fearmonger you into believing that all Fae are evil, either. From my experience, they definitely don’t want to kidnap you to the faery realm — they mostly just want snacks and a good hiding spot.

Each type of Fae has its own type of magick and limitations, usually tied to an element of nature. If you want to do a spell for grounding, call on the gnomes. For communication, reach out to the sylphs. Similarly, selkies can be called to when working water magick. Identifying which type of Fae you’re working with is an important part of Faery magick, as not all Fae are going to be helpful for your intentions. If you’re experiencing signs of the Fae visiting, do some digging and try to suss out which type is trying to get your attention. I’ll be writing a series soon on the different types of elemental Fae that you can work with and how to identify them, so keep your eyes out for that in the coming weeks!

The Basis Of Fae Magick

I’ll be the first one to admit it: I’m what some would consider a “bad” witch. I don’t keep a grimoire on Faery Magick, I don’t journal any of my rune castings, and I never plan my rituals before they happen. I cobble spells together with whatever is on hand, and I rarely ever look up the metaphysical meaning of any of my ingredients until afterward...and even then, it’s usually only because someone asked what’s in their spell jar. Truth be told, I’ve always just done what feels good and trusted in my ability to channel the magick of the Fae.

That’s essentially what the basis of Faery Magick is to me — listening to the messages of the Good Folk, following your intuition, and doing what makes your spirit feel good. You don’t need to know every meaning of every crystal or read every book out there. Practicing Faery Magick is to embrace the chaos and the unknown. The Faeries help us connect to nature and the frequency of the Earth, empowering us to take charge of our situations using our gut instinct. There’s no rhyme or reason when it comes to the Fae, and such is life for humans as well. They teach us to live in the moment and love life as it comes. Faery Magick is simply the act of asking the Fae to assist in your spells and rituals, as well as opening yourself to the lessons they have to teach. The core of Faery magick is not only confidence in the Fae's ability to help, but in your own power as a witch who can manifest anything they want.

Inviting The Fae Into Your Magickal Workings

While Fae Magick can be worked anywhere, there are ways to make your space more inviting to the Fae. They especially love outdoor areas, so try creating a spot in your garden or yard where they can cross through the veil and play. If you don’t have access to a lot of outdoor space, you can create your enchanted space in a window or on a shelf in a quiet spot of your home. Spend time in this area every day, filling it with crystals, plants, and other little gifts for the Fae. You can offer them wind chimes or bells, as they love making noise. The Fae that I work with absolutely love Jasmine and little cakes, so that’s what I leave for them on my altar to invite their energy in. Just go with your intuition — if you feel the desire to put something into your enchanted space, do it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a stick or a strawberry or a rock that you found in the driveway. If you feel a weird need to display the item, do it. That’s the Fae knocking on your subconscious and they can be very loud.

Once you’ve created a space for the Fae to visit and made them feel welcome, take the time to meditate in the area and let the Fae get used to your energy. They are just as curious as us as we are about them...even more so, in fact. They tend to be suspicious of humans who want to work with them, as they’re used to us pushing them underground and making them small. The Fae will visit when they feel comfortable with your intentions and energy, so meditation is a great way to put those vibes out.

Building Relationships With The Good Folk

The foundation of Faery Magick comes down to one thing: Trust. The Fae don’t trust humans easily. Just as we’ve been taught that they are tricksters out to get us, all they’ve known of us is the harm that we’ve caused them and their home. Most Fae will happily share their knowledge and work with you, but only if you show pure respect for them and their ways. If you come to the Fae with dishonest intentions or disrespect, they will bring it back onto you. That’s not to be malicious, it’s just self-preservation. You don’t like being lied to or tricked, and neither do they. It takes time and a lot of patience to build a solid relationship with the Fae, but it’s worth it in so many ways. Faeries can be extremely helpful in your magickal workings, but never take their hard work for granted. Always remember to thank them for their gifts or blessings, and leave out offerings for them in return. Your relationship with the Fae should be symbiotic.

To sum it up: Be respectful, be open, and be thankful. The Fae are here to share their magick with you...will you answer their call?

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Full Moon Manifestation Brew

Just as The Wheel turns, the moon cycles through her phases. We’re sharing a magickal brew that you can stir up in your own kitchen to honor the full moon and enhance the success of your manifestations.

Just as The Wheel turns, the moon cycles through her phases.

The new or “dark” moon marks the beginning of the moon’s phase cycle. Since it signals the start of something new, many witches use the energy of the new moon to plant the seeds of their intentions and shake off any extra baggage that may be holding them back. Basically — let go and start growing.

When the full moon makes her appearance, that’s your time to shine! All the seeds of intention that you planted during the new moon have sprouted, allowing you to see the rewards of your hard work. When you harness the energy of the full moon, it will amplify your manifestation power so that your intentions continue to flourish.

We’re sharing a magickal brew that you can stir up in your own kitchen to honor the full moon and enhance the success of your manifestations. If you don’t have all of the ingredients on hand, have no fear! Shoot us an email and we’ll happily provide you with some alternative ingredients that can be used to fit your brew.


  • Orange Peels from 3 Oranges

  • ½ oz (14 grams) Lemon Balm (fresh or dried)

  • 1 inch (roughly 3cm) Piece of Ginger Root

  • 1 Tablespoon (roughly 14 grams) Sugar

Add to a pot and fill with water. Place the pot on your stove and heat the water until it comes to a slow simmer.

Take a moment to center your focus on the brew, reflecting on the intentions that were planted during the new moon. Feel the warmth of your brew encompassing you, shining a bright light on your intentions and bringing them to full bloom.

Allow your brew to simmer uncovered throughout the day. Set a timer to check back on the brew every hour to make sure the water level hasn’t gotten too low. If the water level starts to dip, add a little more water to the brew to prevent the ingredients from burning.

That night, take your brew outside and offer it to the moon by burying the contents (minus the pot!) under the moonlight. Take a moment to meditate with the full moon, thanking her for her abundant energy! Now let magick do its thing.

It’s important to look for your manifestations sprouting in the smallest of places so that your energy can tend to its growth. Something such as a utility bill being cheaper than anticipated is a perfect example of abundance manifesting in your life. Make sure you thank the moon for her blessings (in whatever form they come in!) and tend to the sprout so that it can grow into something larger and more bountiful throughout the year. Shine on, witchlings 🌕

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What It Means To Practice Kitchen Witchcraft

Do you feel a call to kitchen witchery but don’t know where to start? We want to share the foundation of what kitchen magick really is, what it means to be a kitchen witch on the daily, and how to embrace your newfound home within the hearth. We’ll also be sharing a simple kitchen cleansing ritual to get you started.

** This post was written by our Resident Kitchen Witch, Ash! We hope you enjoy her deep-dive perspective into what it means to be a Kitchen Witch**

While labels aren’t necessary to practice magick or to be a witch, if you feel a calling to a certain ‘type’ of witchcraft, you may find comfort and empowerment with a witchy label! This was par for the course for me.

Let me start off by saying that I have not always called myself a kitchen witch. In fact, it wasn’t until a few years ago that I started to embrace the term. For many years, I jumped between all sorts of labels from pagan witch, eclectic witch, hearth witch, and just plain witch!

Additionally, I wasn’t always a great cook, either! When I first moved out on my own, I ate like the typical teenager. Lots of poptarts, ramen noodles, and pizza. The extent of my cooking was pouring milk in a bowl with cereal.

It wasn’t until I moved in with my now-husband that I decided I wanted to become a better cook. I’ll never forget the first meal I made for him -- I was vegetarian at the time and made tofu spaghetti and it was TERRIBLE. If I ever had a chance of converting him to a vegetarian diet, I lost him with that single dish.

But since I’m a tried-and-true Sagittarius/Capricorn cuspie, I don’t accept defeat easily. I started grabbing any and every recipe I could find and following them to the best of my ability. Over time, my cooking skills improved to the point that my husband started calling my meals “5-star quality”.

As time progressed, I started to notice the immense amount of joy and comfort I felt when in the kitchen. I developed an interest in herbalism, started to work magick into my food with simple spice mixes, and began to find rhythm through ritual. And thus a kitchen witch was born!

Do you feel a call to kitchen witchery but don’t know where to start? Been there, done that! I want to share the foundation of what kitchen magick really is, what it means to be a kitchen witch on the daily, and how I embraced my newfound home within the hearth. I’ll also be sharing a simple kitchen cleansing ritual to get you started. Are you ready? Let’s dig in.

What is Kitchen Magick?

Kitchen magick is just what it says it is: magick in the kitchen! You don’t have to be a chef, or even that great of a cook, to practice kitchen magick. The fact of the matter is: if you’re in the kitchen, you can do some sort of kitchen magick.

Kitchen magick is the practice of setting intentions in the food and beverages that you prepare in your kitchen. This could be something as simple as fixing yourself a glass of water and focusing healing vibrations into the water before drinking it, or stirring your cup of coffee clockwise to bring prosperity with every sip! Things that you regularly prepare can easily be enchanted with magickal intent.

And kitchen magick isn’t limited to just cooking from scratch. Even those store bought dishes and frozen meals can be enchanted with magickal intent. Pairing your intent with the magickal properties of your ingredients is an easy way to enhance your kitchen magick. For instance, you could buy pre-made garlic bread from the grocery store and then enchant it when you get home by placing it next to a lit candle and infusing it with protective intent. Toast it in the oven to add in some fire energy, and BOOM! You have yourself some garlic bread that will encompass you with protective energy. Kitchen magick really can be THAT simple!

So, now that we know what the foundation of kitchen magick is and just how simple it is to embrace...the true question is: How do I know if I’m a kitchen witch?

What is a kitchen witch?

For me, being a kitchen witch is about being ‘at home’ in the kitchen. It’s where you feel most comfortable and where crafting magick comes most naturally to you. Being a kitchen witch isn’t just about cooking or being a chef -- It’s about allowing your magick to flow freely in the kitchen and intertwining your energy with all that you do in the kitchen.

If you’re a kitchen witch, then you probably find yourself immersed in ritual every time you’re in the kitchen. From fixing your cup of coffee to stirring a pot of soup, you find fulfillment in those acts which in turn immerses your food in positive energy.

This isn’t to say that only kitchen witches are capable of kitchen magick, in fact, our witchery can (and often should) extend into other parts of our home...such as laundry, house cleansing, and even decorating. Kitchen witches in particular just tend to have a more natural and personal connection to their kitchen. It’s their sacred space where most of their magick is crafted! In essence, your kitchen is one big ritual space within your home, that holds all of the enchanting hearth energy you could ever need to conjure. How cool is that?

Once you’ve embraced being a kitchen witch, there’s one more piece of the puzzle to place: Preparing your kitchen for the art of making magick!

New to Kitchen Magick?

If you’re new to kitchen magick but still want to work it into your witchy practice, you can start by doing a simple kitchen cleansing ritual. No, I don’t mean you need to scrub your kitchen from top to bottom in vinegar and wash every dish you own. I said s-i-m-p-l-e kitchen cleansing ritual. We’re not that extra.

Aside from a kitchen cleansing ritual being easy to do, it’s also a great way to prep your kitchen before practicing kitchen magick. I personally like to do monthly cleansing rituals in my kitchen to ensure that the energy is clear of any negative attachments.

If kitchen magick is something that interests you, or you’d like to learn more ways to practice kitchen magic, then we invite you to join our newsletter so you can keep up with all of our Kitchen Witchin' antics.

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Celebrating Ostara: A Renewing Egg Ritual For Spring

As the Sun is gaining strength and the days become longer, we are reminded of the renewing energy of Spring. Now is the time to manifest those Imbolc intentions and see the seeds of your magick come to life. Are you ready to celebrate the fertile abundance of Spring with us?

In the Northern Hemisphere, March 19th marks the Wheel of the Year’s return to the sabbat Ostara — a beautiful, ancient celebration of the Spring Equinox. It’s a sacred day when there is a perfect balance between dark and light. During Ostara, night and day are of equal length, symbolizing the balance of masculine and feminine. Spring has officially sprung, with the outside world coming back to life. The trees are green once again, birds are chirping, and the weather is getting warmer — who doesn’t love this lively time of year? As the Sun is gaining strength and the days become longer, we are reminded of the renewing energy of Spring. Now is the time to manifest those Imbolc intentions and see the seeds of your magick come to life. Are you ready to celebrate the fertile abundance of Spring with us?

The Hare & The Egg

Ostara’s roots run deep, stemming from ancient Celtic and Saxon spring season celebrations in honor of the goddess Ēostre, who represents the dawn, fertility, and new growth. As a springtime goddess, she oversaw the newly birthed plants of the season and the overall fertility of the Earth. These rituals to honor Ēostre and welcome Spring’s energy were later overhauled by the Christians, who rebranded the sabbat into what we now know as Easter...sound familiar?

One folk legend surrounding this goddess of spring recounts the story of Ēostre and the Hare. One day, she found an injured bird and desperately wanted to heal it. Realizing that the bird’s only chance of survival depended on transformation, she decided to turn this dying bird into a hare. The transformation wasn't complete, however, gifting the hare with the ability to lay eggs. This has led many to suggest (rightfully so) that the hare was a sacred animal to Ēostre, and eggs were her symbol of fertility.

Hares are generally nocturnal, meaning they are closely associated with the moon. They also represent the rebirth of nature in Spring, since this is the time animals are reproducing and bringing new life into the world. As a major symbol for fertility and abundance, it’s no wonder that the hare (or the Easter Bunny for that matter) have become the major harbingers of Spring.

The egg symbolizes new life, full of vitality and new beginnings. Eggs symbolize the rebirth of nature and the innate fertility of the Earth. The concept of the 'cosmic' egg speaks to the balance of male and female, as well as dark and light. This makes the egg a perfect symbol for Ostara and the Spring Equinox -- a time when it seems that everything is in perfect balance.

The Triple Goddess & The Horned God

In many modern paths of witchcraft, however, The Triple Goddess and The Horned God are worshipped during Ostara. This is mostly done through egg painting, expressive group dance, and boisterous celebration. Springtime is symbolic of the Horned God's journey from death to rebirth, and Ostara is the time when his powers have returned and he is strong with the energy of the Sun. The warmer weather and new growth of plants are both signs that the Triple Goddess has crossed into her Maiden aspect, full of fertile energy and ready to be courted by the Horned God. Ostara is all about celebrating this balance of female and male energies.

Rituals for Ostara

Since Ostara is closely associated with fertility and rebirth, it’s the perfect time to hold rituals for new beginnings and purification. It’s also a great time to tap into those sensual energies that will soon be peaking in the warmer months. Many witches use Ostara to start new projects or learn a new craft. If you’ve been thinking about picking up a form of divination, now is a great time to learn!

During Ostara, rituals focus on the balance between the Triple Goddess and the Horned God, where new life is celebrated along with the return of life to the land. This is the time for action and opening yourself to new opportunities. Basically...start thinking outside of the box and birth your next big idea! Ostara rituals will often focus on balancing your masculine and feminine energies to bring in those opportunities, as well as aligning yourself to manifest those spring intentions.

Are you looking for a simple yet effective springtime ritual to celebrate Ostara? We’ve got you, babe.

Ostara Egg Ritual Supplies

  • 1 Egg

  • Fine point marker

  • Yellow Candle

  • White Flowers

  • Jasmine Incense

Take your egg and write words of intentions you wish to flourish in during the spring season all over the shell. If you need to use more than one egg, feel free!

Set up your altar space with your incense, candle, and flowers. Cleanse the space with the method of your choosing. This can be done by burning palo santo, sage, mugwort, incense, a white candle, etc.

Light the candle and incense and settle in front of your altar holding your egg gently in your hands. Gently close your eyes and take a few deep, slow breaths as you clear your mind. Set your focus on the words of intention that you’ve written on your egg. Repeat each word in your mind as you continue to settle into meditation.

When you feel at peace and clear, begin to envision a white light glowing from your hands and enveloping your egg. Feel your desire for the growth of your intentions, charging your egg with your own innate magick. If you’re using multiple eggs you can repeat this process with each egg individually.

Once you feel that you’ve completely charged the egg with your power, gently place the egg on your altar and take a moment to open yourself to the motivating spring energy. Some may choose to use this time to pray to a deity of their choosing.

Allow the candle and incense to burn out. The next day, take your egg and bury it outdoors to disperse your intentions to the Universe so that it may return to you during the spring season.

For the Solstice Sisters, Ostara has always been the time when our inner child comes out to play and we begin to grow our biggest ideas. It’s a beautiful time of new beginnings and growth, a time to reflect on our personal growth and spiritual journey. Just like the spring, we can feel our spirits coming to life and blooming with possibilities. Plant your intentions and watch them grow -- we know you’re going to grow some seriously powerful magick this year!

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Fae Frittata Muffins

Ash, our resident kitchen witch, loves to honor the Fae spirits during the spring equinox by giving them a traditional feast! She’s sharing her own Ostara recipe for Fae Frittata Muffins that are specially made for her own Fae spirits, but can also be made to honor spring itself.

Ostara is a fan favorite here at Solstice Sisters. Aside from the flowers in bloom and warmer weather, Ostara brings on a rush of rejuvenating energy that renews and balances the lingering energies of the winter season. Traditionally, pagans celebrated Ostara during the spring equinox, asking for abundance and fertility for their crops and livestock.

With the return of Spring and all of the lively energy that comes with it, it’s no surprise that Fae spirits are especially active this time of year. Hearing bells or seeing quick flashes of light are common occurrences in households blessed with the presence of Fae spirits, so don’t be too surprised if you see them running about. Ostara is the perfect time of year to leave offerings for your Fae spirits. In many traditions, it’s ritual to offer a homemade meal to the Fae to ensure that they bring you abundance and prosperity throughout the year.

While there are some people out there that will frown upon working with Fae spirits, the important thing to remember here is that the Fae are ancient beings, just as deities are. Keep in mind that many Fae are wary of humans because of the way they’ve been treated by our kind in the past. They demand respect because they have more than earned it, so approaching them should be done with the same dedication and honesty that you would approach a deity with. As long as you approach the Fae with the right intention and from a place of honor, they will return that same energy back to you.

Ash, our resident kitchen witch, especially loves to honor her Fae spirits during the spring equinox by giving them a traditional feast! She’s sharing her own Ostara recipe for Fae Frittata Muffins that are specially made for her own Fae spirits, but can also be made to honor spring itself.


  • 10 eggs

  • 8 oz cream cheese

  • 1 small tomato, chopped

  • 4 oz button mushrooms, chopped

  • A sprig of fresh basil, chopped

  • ½ tsp ground thyme

  • Salt & Pepper


Start by cleansing/blessing your space and ingredients. You can do this by burning your preferred smudge stick (such as sage or rosemary) or simply lighting a white candle and walking it around your kitchen before placing it on the counter.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (~176 degrees Celsius). While it preheats, blend together the eggs, cream cheese, thyme, and salt & pepper (to taste) until smooth. As you’re blending you can begin setting your intentions for this dish. Think of the abundance you seek. Envision yourself coming into this abundance and how it will bless your life. Feel your energy swirling from within. Release it into your mixture, still holding that place of intent in your mind.

Stir in the tomato, mushrooms, and basil. The tomatoes will set a loving tone while the mushrooms and basil will aid in attracting your Fae spirits.

Pour the mixture into a muffin tin filling each cup ¾ full, and put the filled muffin tin into the oven and allow to bake 20-25 minutes (until the center is firm). Allow to cool, then serve!

To leave your Fae Frittata Muffin as an offering to the Fae, dedicate a small space or altar as an area for them to dine, leaving out items they can use as chairs and plates/bowls such as seashells, thimbles, buttons, dice, pretty much any small nick-nack will do! Light a tea light candle as a symbol of welcoming the Fae to the space, then leave out a muffin for them to dine on! You can also leave small servings of wine or juice -- they love libations!

After a day or two, you can dispose of the offerings by burying it in the earth so that the earth can recycle the energy. Enjoy your Ostara feast with the Fae and invite their blooming, bright energy into your home!

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Kitchen Witchcraft, Rituals Solstice Sisters Kitchen Witchcraft, Rituals Solstice Sisters

Persephone Rising

The Spring equinox is a time when day and night will be in perfect balance, carrying with it the powerful themes of rebirth and new beginnings. It’s a celebration of renewed life and the abundant fertility of our Mother Earth. This makes it the perfect time to honor a true queen of balance: Persephone.

After shedding the cloak of winter during February’s new moon, we’re finally ready to welcome the Spring Equinox and all of the new opportunities that come with its arrival. Ostara is right around the corner, and many witches have started planning their rituals to honor the rebirth of the sun. This equinox is a time when day and night will be in perfect balance, carrying with it the powerful themes of rebirth and new beginnings. It’s a celebration of renewed life and the abundant fertility of our Mother Earth. For our resident fae witch, this makes it the perfect time to honor a true queen of balance: Persephone.

Goddess and Queen: A Balancing Act

Persephone is a powerful Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld, spending half of the year with Hades where she presides over spirits who have crossed over. The other half of the year, however, she returns to the surface to be with Demeter and bring life back to the Earth after a barren winter. Just as the plants have begun to pop up from the ground, Persephone bursts forth from the Underworld on Ostara to shower us with her light and warmth.

Persephone teaches us the power of adaptability in the way she merges the role of Queen and Goddess. In her duality, she shows us the transformation that we all must go through during life and the need for balance. Sometimes we must persevere through the dark before we can grow in the light. She also serves as the perfect example of a strong goddess that chose her own destiny by choosing to split her time between worlds, embracing both roles with equal passion. Persephone can help us learn to balance our responsibilities and commitments in the same way, as well as show us that we can forge our own fate.

Renewal & Rebirth

The spring equinox is the time for Persephone to resume her role as a Spring Goddess and breathe life back into the Earth. She symbolizes endless renewal and rebirth, bringing life back to the flora and fauna after the dark days of winter. It’s no easy task balancing the dark and the light, but Persephone shows us how to do it with grace. Although the Earth flourishes when she returns from the Underworld each spring, she understands that it is also necessary for her to light the way for spirits in the dark half of the year. She juggles these roles with ease, flitting between Queen and Goddess in a way that brings abundance and comfort to all who are willing to accept her help. She is also the planter of seeds and a symbol of our planet’s fertility. Reunited at her mother’s side, Persephone plants the seeds of spring and asks us to rejoice in the Earth’s ability to be reborn each year. She asks us to join her and plant our intentions like seeds, as well as urging us to choose what we wish to focus our energy on during this time of renewal and rebirth, just as she chose to split her time between Spring Goddess and Underworld Queen. The intentions you plant with her now are what will manifest in the harvest season.

Honoring Persephone at the Spring Equinox

The spring equinox is the time when the world gets Persephone’s bright and inspiring energy back, and her mother, Demeter, bestows her gifts of growth and harvest to us once again. This is a great time to start a magickal garden in her honor and ask for her blessing over the seeds you plant. You can also honor her return during the spring equinox by setting up an altar with a few of her favorite offerings.

Because of her association with spring growth and the sprouting of seeds, Persephone loves offerings of grains and wildflowers during Ostara. She’s also fond of black onyx and obsidian, although I’ve found that she also enjoys the crystal quartz and peridot that I set out for her each year. As a Spring Goddess, she loves sweet fragrances and bright colors. I tend to light a lot of jasmine incense during this time of year, but she will enjoy nearly any floral scent. A little tip: dry and keep any flower offerings to Persephone during the Spring so that you can burn them during the Fall Equinox when she returns to the Underworld.

In honor of Persephone, the spring equinox serves as a time to seek out new opportunities and new beginnings. Through her story, we can appreciate how the changing of the seasons holds the ability for renewal and transformation, no matter how dark things were during the winter. In a way, we're all coming out of hibernation and into the light. Let's use this year's spring equinox to rebalance and make some magickal new beginnings together.

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Kitchen Witchcraft Solstice Sisters Kitchen Witchcraft Solstice Sisters

Mercury Retrograde Mojito

While we can’t stop Mercury from zooming past us, we can lean on magick to help us ride out the energetic hurricane. You can’t have a hurricane party without a little booze, so we're shaking things up over here at Solstice Sisters with this super fun (and effective!) Mercury Retrograde Mojito.

If you’re not familiar with Mercury Retrograde, allow us to indulge you. In astrology, there are a few times a year when Mercury appears to be moving in the opposite direction. This is due to Mercury’s orbit around the Sun being significantly shorter than Earth’s orbit, causing Mercury to speed past Earth and create the illusion that it is moving backwards.

Even if it is ‘just an illusion’, the energetic shifts that happen when Mercury passes Earth in orbit certainly aren't! For many, Mercury Retrograde causes mass miscommunication, technical mishaps, and even disruption in sleep. Some people are lucky enough to never experience the negative aspects of Mercury Retrograde, while others are plagued by mishaps. It can be a very challenging time for many, especially for those who are unprepared or especially sensitive to Mercury's energy.

While we can’t stop Mercury from zooming past us, we can lean on magick to help us ride out the energetic hurricane. And here on the coast of Florida, we like to ride out hurricanes with a good old fashioned party...why not take that same approach to the retrograde? You can’t have a hurricane party without a little booze, so we're shaking things up over here at Solstice Sisters with this super fun (and effective!) Mercury Retrograde Mojito. The gods know we're gonna need it.


  • White rum

  • Club Soda

  • Lime wedges

  • Fresh mint leaves

  • Sugar

  • Ice

Magickal Tools:

  • Mortar and pestle

  • Amethyst

  • Rose Quartz

  • Hematite

  • Your favorite candle

Kitchen Witch Tips

Add in strawberries when crushing your ingredients to give yourself an extra boost of good luck

If you don’t have a mortar and pestle, you can use a bowl and potato masher or fork to crush the ingredients

If you’d prefer a non-alcoholic version of this magickal beverage, replace the white rum with lime juice and use one less lime edge when crushing the ingredients

Mix Up Some Magick

Start by cleansing your working space both physically and energetically. Using your tools, assemble a small altar on your workspace and light your candle. Take a moment to ground and center, focusing on releasing all of the tension that you're holding in your face and shoulders. Breathe in deeply, and imagine the negative energies weighing you down leaving with your breath as you exhale.

Grab your ingredients and place them in your workspace. If you feel compelled to, you can announce your gratitude for the ingredients that the earth has provided. Cut your lime into 6 wedges.

Pinch off approximately 10 mint leaves and place them in your mortar along with 1 lime wedge. Using your pestle, crush the mint and lime together until it is a chunky paste.

Add in 2 more wedges of lime and 2 Tablespoons of sugar. Begin crushing the ingredients again. This time, imagine energy flowing from your hands into the mixture, illuminating the ingredients with protective light.

Spoon the paste into a glass and add in ice. Measure out 1 ¼ ounces of white rum and ½ cup of club soda, then pour them into the glass. Garnish the glass with the leftover lime edges, give your mojito a stir, and enjoy!

Mint and lime both offer strong protective energy that will help repel some of the impacts of Mercury Retrograde’s energetic hurricane. The rum offers an extra layer of protection over your material belongings for when those techy storms decide to hit.

So kick back, whip together this Mercury Retrograde Mojito, and ride out the storm with us!

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Kitchen Witchcraft, Rituals Solstice Sisters Kitchen Witchcraft, Rituals Solstice Sisters

Lovey-Dovey Milk Bath Ritual

If you’re struggling to love yourself, or you’re having a hard time showing love to yourself, a ritual bath is the perfect way to take some time for self-care and relaxation. It's also one of the most potent ways you can enhance self-love.

person laying in a milk bath

As the incredibly wise RuPaul says, “If you can't love yourself, How in the hell you gonna love somebody else?”

Can I get an Amen?!? Ok, maybe not an amen, but you can at least agree that those are EXTREMELY wise words to live by? And with love being a common theme this month, it’s time for a reminder that the most important person to love is yourself. Self-care is essential to not just our well being, but also our spiritual growth. You see, our paths and our practices expand when we explore ourselves from within, listening to the divine messages that the Universe is sending us.

If we neglect ourselves and speak poorly of ourselves to ourselves, things can get dark and murky from within. This can make it harder to explore our inner selves — it may even cause a blockage in your ability to connect with your inner magick! And no witch wants to be stranded without magick. This is why loving yourself is so important. Showing yourself love, telling yourself ‘I love you’, treating yourself as a loved one. That should be your priority. When you love yourself, your power is amplified and you become the strongest version of yourself.

If you’re struggling to love yourself, or you’re having a hard time showing love to yourself, a ritual bath is the perfect way to take some time for self-care and relaxation. It's also one of the most potent ways you can enhance self-love. Kitchen Witch Ash is sharing her own special ritual milk bath (don’t worry, the recipe for the milk bath mix is included) that she uses anytime she’s needing to give herself a little extra lovin’.

Ritual Ingredients:

  • Rose Quartz

  • Amethyst

  • Black Obsidian

  • White and/or pink candles (as many as you want!)

  • Jasmine or Vanilla incense

  • A bowl or a pitcher

  • Single Batch Milk Bath Mixture:

  • 2 cups of dry milk

  • ¼ cup dried calendula

  • ½ cup dried lavender

  • ½ cup epsom salt

  • 1 cup dried rose petals

  • 1 Tablespoon dried fennel

Take all ingredients and place them into a blender, then blend on low until powdered.

Put the blend in an airtight jar and store.

If you don’t have a blender, you can mix the ingredients together and store in an airtight jar. You’ll just need to use an empty tea bag or tea infuser instead of putting the mix directly into your bath.

Now Let's Get Cozy

Start by cleansing and blessing your bathroom. You can do this by burning a sage bundle, palo santo, or giving the bathroom a quick spritz with saltwater.

Next, adorn your bathroom with candles and light them - safely! As you’re lighting the candles, take notice of the fire element and welcome its power into your space. Feel the passion fill the room and connect deeper to your internal compassion.

Place your incense in an incense burner and set the incense burner in a safe space in your bathroom. As you light the incense, take a moment to welcome the air element into your space. Gaze upon the smoke rising from the burning incense and feel your heart chakra expand as it connects with its elemental counterpart.

Turn on and adjust the water to your bathtub to a comfortable temperature, then crank it up just a notch hotter (the water will cool slightly over time so this is to help keep it a comfortable temperature a little longer).

Thank the element of water for sacrificing its source to you for this ritual bath. Feel the waves of calm come over you and embrace the emotional connection with yourself.

When your bathtub is about ¾ full, pour in a cup of your milk bath mixture. Take a moment to thank the earth element for providing the plants and minerals for this ritual bath. Use this time to ground and center before entering your bath.

Once the bathtub is full, turn off the water and add in your crystals. The rose quartz will raise the lovey vibrations while the amethyst will ward away negative energy. The black obsidian offers a boost of grounding energy and draws out toxic emotions.

With your bowl or pitcher nearby, get into your bathtub. As you enter the water, envision it’s healing properties embrace you. Allow your spirits to lift with its warming presence. Settle into a comfortable position and close your eyes.

Take a moment to think of all the things you love about yourself, no matter how small or grand those things may be. Compliment yourself for these things and remind yourself how amazing you are for embodying these things.

Now focus on the things you don’t like about yourself, big and small. Now talk to yourself as you would a friend. Tell yourself how harsh you are being on yourself and how beautiful you are, inside and out. Bring light to those dark parts and point out all the ways that they should be embraced.

After you have finished reflecting on these parts of yourself, you will need to embrace yourself in your own hug. As you’re hugging yourself, draw in the loving and healing energies in the room. Feel your heart chakra open. Breathe in the essence of pure love and really feel the love you have for yourself.

Once you feel that you have fully embodied self-love, take your bowl or pitcher and fill it with the bathwater. Pour the water over your head, ‘washing’ yourself with love itself. Repeat as many times as you feel necessary until you feel yourself glowing with love.

The ritual is now complete. Allow the water to drain and feel free to ‘rinse-off’ in a shower if you’d like.

Each day, take a moment to compliment yourself at least once — especially during the times that you feel a negative thought about yourself arising. You may opt to carry your three crystals with you to keep the energy of your bath ritual close and portable.

Repeat this ritual as often as you’d like or anytime you’re needing an extra boost of lovey energy. And always remember that you deserve your love more than anyone else.


If you don’t have a bathtub - no worries! You can do this ritual in the shower! Fill your pitcher with water and mix in a small amount of your bath mix. Go through the same meditation while in the shower and pour the pitcher of ritual water over your head when you’re closing out the ritual, just like you would in the bath!

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Kitchen Witchcraft Solstice Sisters Kitchen Witchcraft Solstice Sisters

Grounding Potato Soup Spell

In need of some serious grounding? This Grounding Potato Soup Spell is a tasty way to re-center and feel more stable. Comfort food really is the best type of kitchen magick 🥔

There is something so comforting about a warm, hearty bowl of soup. The aromas that fill the home when it’s cooking, the way it warms the spirit as it’s being consumed — everything about soup is just so magickal!

Potatoes are not only one of the most versatile veggies around, they’re also a great addition to any kitchen witch’s culinary spells thanks to their wonderful grounding and centering properties. They harness a very homely energy and have a direct connection to the Earth element. When we use potatoes in our culinary spellwork, it can help us tap into that grounding energy and rebalance our energies from the inside-out.

In need of some serious grounding? This Grounding Potato Soup Spell is a tasty way to re-center and feel more stable. Comfort food really is the best type of kitchen magick 🥔

potato soup

Gather Your Ingredients:

  • 5-6 medium sized red potatoes*

  • 6 cups broth (5 cups if you like a thicker soup)

  • 1 cup heavy cream**

  • 1 onion, diced

  • 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil or butter

  • 3-4 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1 teaspoon pepper

  • 2 teaspoons pink himilayan salt***

  • ¼ teaspoon ground thyme

  • ½ teaspoon ground sage

*You can use other potatoes such as yellow or russet, but I've found that red potatoes offer the best flavor for this soup.

**If you don't have heavy cream on hand, you can mix ⅓ cup of melted butter with ⅔ cups of milk to achieve a similar effect. For a vegan alternative, use unflavored soy milk or oat milk.

***Any other type of salt will work just fine. Salt is salt!

Step-by-Step Spellwork 

Start your spellwork by lighting a candle near your stove and taking a moment to meditate on your intentions for this meal. It may help to have all your ingredients and cooking tools in one place while you do this. Pour your energy into the spell as you visualize white light embracing and charging the ingredients and cooking tools with your intentions.

Carve sigils or symbols into your potatoes to represent grounding and protection. If you don't use sigils in your practice, simply carving words such as “Grounded” or “Balanced” will work just as well! It's the intent that matters. Once you've finished carving, chop the potatoes and set them aside.

Boil 6 cups of broth in your cauldron or pot. Once the broth is at a rolling boil, add your potatoes while envisioning their protective and stabilizing Earth energy coming to life in the pot. Leave the potatoes to boil and soften.

In a small saucepan, heat the oil/butter over medium heat. Add onion and garlic into the saucepan to repel negativity and give your spell an extra boost of protection magick. Saute mixture until onion is tender.

Add seasonings to your saute mixture and stir until combined. Thyme will imbue your spell with cleansing energy while encouraging a positive attitude and inner strength. Sage is pulling double-duty for this spell, boosting the potato's grounding energy and the Thyme's cleansing properties. Once these ingredients are well acquainted, remove the saute mixture from heat and set aside.

Check on your potatoes and broth mixture. Once the potatoes are tender, use a potato masher or hand blender to blend them with the remaining broth in the pot. Then stir in your heavy cream.

Add saute mix to the potato soup base and stir clockwise (deiseil) until combined. As you stir, envision peace and calmness overcoming you and flowing into your soup. Think of the roots that the potatoes came from, imagining those same roots gently wrapping around you and anchoring you to the earth. Feel the stillness and stability cradle you. Swirl this energy in with your soup.

Serve and enjoy! As you’re communing, open yourself to embodying the energy that was placed into your soup as you were preparing it. Feel its warmth and grounding properties. Thank Mother Earth for her contributions and sacrifice in preparing this magickal meal. Settle into your hearty bowl and ground with its elements!

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General Magick Tips Solstice Sisters General Magick Tips Solstice Sisters

Five Crystals To Warm Your Winter Blues

We all go through a major transition in energy levels when the Earth is hibernating. That’s when crystals come to the rescue! Crystals can be an invaluable tool in pushing back the gut-punching feelings of the winter blues, and there’s so many out there that can help lift your spirits.

When the days get shorter and light is scarce, it’s natural to feel down in the dumps. Do you experience a lack of energy, mental fog, and an overall sense of melancholy after the winter solstice? You’re not alone. Whether it’s the slump after the holidays or the lack of sunlight and fresh air, a lot of witches want to go into hermit mode during the winter season. Our resident Fae witch is no exception.

Despite their intense love for the cold and overcast days of January, Jen goes through a major transition in energy levels when the Earth is hibernating. That’s when their hoard of crystals come to the rescue! Crystals can be an invaluable tool in pushing back the gut-punching feelings of the winter blues, and there’s so many out there that can help lift your spirits. Diving into their foxhole and consulting with the fae, Jen has emerged with five spirit-chosen crystals to help you get through the dark days and step into your personal power.


Ruled by the Sun and the element of Fire, Carnelian is a must-have when combating the winter blues. Carnelian crystals are excellent tools for boosting physical energy levels and stimulating suppressed ambition, making it the perfect stone for getting over that post-holiday slump. Carnelian brings the sun’s powerful magick to you by bolstering your intuition, reinvigorating your motivation, and clearing whatever clouds your perception. Its bright, stabilizing energy restores vitality while also counteracting inner doubts and negative thoughts.

It’s a favorite of our fae witch for its ability to enhance concentration and dispel mental lethargy, which are two of the biggest problems they have during the slower days of winter. If you feel stuck with a serious lack of energy during the winter, Carnelian knocks that emotional negativity out of the way and replaces it with a renewed love for life so you can get out and enjoy the season.


When we’re feeling down about ourselves and our energy levels are drained, it can be hard to find the bright side. Thankfully, the loving energy of Venus shines through Chrysoprase and helps light our way through the darkness. Also known as Green Chalcedony, Chrysoprase has powerful healing powers if you’re feeling mentally bogged down. As a witch with an anxiety disorder, Jen always keeps these crystals around when the winter blues take over. The strong vibrations of Chrysoprase banish the oppressive energy of depression and anxiety by encouraging true happiness in your situation. While it’s not a one-size-fits-all cure, it promotes deep energetic healing and joy for witches looking to lift their spirits. It’s a wonderful crystal for relieving feelings of sadness, tension, and stress. When worn or held, it exudes cheery energy that lights up the soul, clearing the dark aura of anxiety and paving the way for emotional healing and joy.


In the ancient world, Bloodstone was known as the Sun Stone and cherished for its unmatched healing powers. Witches have used Bloodstone for ages to purify the blood and heal physical injuries, but this unique stone also has the amazing ability to enhance vitality, strength, passion, and courage. The protective and nurturing earth energy of Bloodstone is perfect for grounding, increasing mental clarity, and boosting energy levels. As a mood-stabilizer and healer of emotional wounds, Bloodstone stimulates the root chakra to renew your strength and ground frantic energy. If your motivation has taken a big hit thanks to the winter blues, the powerful magick of Bloodstone can reinvigorate your weary mind and body. It’s also an excellent stimulator of the immune system, making it especially helpful during cold and flu season.


Beryl may not be a common crystal among new witches, but it is one of the most important stones to have in your arsenal during dark times. If the winter saps your motivational drive and leaves you with an excess of nervous energy, Beryl can help calm the emotional waves and relieve stress. It assists in resolving issues with apathy and low-energy that often plague witches with the winter blues. Beryl not only offers a boost to physical energy levels — it also has the ability to reduce mental overstimulation, which is another common problem during the hectic holiday season. It encourages a positive perspective and reduces anxiety by tapping into the comforting magick of the moon.

Beryl is also an excellent support stone for worn-out witches and helps prevent burnout for those that work closely with auras or energetic healing. It encourages joy and brings much-needed motivation when you need to focus on the bigger picture. Beryl can help you embrace your full potential, even when you feel lost in the darkness of winter.

Lapis Lazuli

A crystal of deep peace and protection, Lapis Lazuli taps into the harmonious vibrations of Venus to encourage self-awareness, compassion, and the expression of your emotions. Lapis is the perfect crystal for stimulating joy and activating the higher mind, bringing repressed feelings to the light so they can be cleansed. It awakens the desire for knowledge and personal understanding, helping you to be more compassionate with yourself as you work through these tough times.

If you’re having trouble connecting with your support system during the winter, Lapis encourages friendship and social ability so you can get back in the fold. It enhances awareness of your motivations and future goals, giving you a clearer perspective despite the darkness. While it may bring some unwanted feelings to the table, Lapis also shines a light on the opportunities for growth available to you and helps if you’re having doubts about your magickal abilities.

A Note From The Solstice Sisters

Crystals are amazing, living beings of this Earth that can provide us with a much-needed boost when we’re going through the winter blues. While these crystals were chosen by the spirits that our resident Fae witch works with, it is by no means a complete list. Seek out the crystals that resonate with your personal energy during these dark times and listen to the messages they have for you. You might be surprised by the crystals that show up to help!

Despite our love for the healing power of crystals, we do not give medical advice and always place mental health above everything else. If you feel that you are suffering from a more severe form of the winter blues known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or Depression, we urge you to seek treatment from a qualified physician. The contents of this blog are for informational purposes only. Our crystal recommendations are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional help because of something you have read on the Solstice Sisters site. We want you to be happy, healthy, and safe.

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