The Magickal Art Of Spellcasting
How exactly do you cast a spell and what method of casting is right for your spiritual practice? Here's some info and advice we’ve gathered over our own magickal journeys to help you get started.
5 Uses For The Witch’s Cauldron
A witch’s cauldron is one of the most versatile tools a witch can have on hand. Aside from it dating back centuries as being the center point of a witch’s hearth for both warmth and cooking food, it has been used in modern years as a vessel for magickal workings. We're sharing 5 uses for the witch’s cauldron, all of which can be accomplished by beginner and experienced witches alike.
Making Magick With The Elementals
Are you ready to start building your relationship with the Elementals? Here’s a quick guide on the four main spirits you should know about.
Justice Dessert: “Pear” Trial Cobbler
Due to the world’s current events of racial injustice - especially prevalent in the US - we want to tap into the original symbolism of the pear tree rather than the lovey-dovey counterpart it is usually recognized for. And what better way to tap into the magick of food than with kitchen magick?
Easy To Grow Herbs For Kitchen Magick
We want to share with you my personal favorite kitchen magick herbs that are not only tasty but also very easy to grow. Even if you’re a brown thumb that burns everything in the kitchen, you can still likely grow one of these herbs right from your kitchen counter!
Faery Magick Crystals
When it comes to Faery Magick, there’s a lot of trial-and-error! Here are a few of our absolute favorite Faery Magick crystals that you can try if you want to attract these beautiful beings into your life.
Faery Delicious Lavender Syrup
Our resident kitchen witch has put together a very simple recipe that anyone can throw together. The best part? Your household Fae will LOVE it and it is so versatile in the kitchen! So, if you’re wanting to mix and mingle kitchen magick and Faery magick, this recipe is for you.
5 Plants To Please The Fae
We thought we'd share some plants that are irresistible to the Fae so that you, too, can invite their beautiful energy into your space and receive their blessings. Some are traditional to Faery folklore, while others are ones we have used in our own practices and felt the fae’s spirit within.
How To Make An Inconspicuous Kitchen Altar
Our resident kitchen witch has put together a list of some of her own kitchen altar items. These items are so ordinary that only the trained eye would notice these as being ‘out of place’.
5 Common Seasonings For The Witch’s Kitchen
Our resident kitchen witch is sharing 5 everyday seasonings that can be found in just about any witch’s kitchen pantry that can also be used in your spellwork. Grab those measuring spoons and tie on that apron - let’s get witchy in the kitchen!
How To Attract The Fae
The fae might not always show themselves to us, but that’s not to say they aren’t there. These wonderfully bright beings are constantly working their magick behind-the-scenes, and if you approach them with respect and a childhood sense of wonder, they might just give you a hand in your own spells!
Return To Sender Smoothie
Today our resident kitchen witch is sharing a twist on a traditional spell and blending it into a protective smoothie. So grab your blender and get ready because we are about to get kitchen witchin’!
What Is Faery Magick?
For those who haven’t worked with the Fae before, there’s a lot of confusion about where to start...or even if they should practice Faery Magick in the first place. There are some great books out there to get you started, but for the most part faery magick is a very personal experience that needs a hands-on approach. Let’s get started with the basics!
Full Moon Manifestation Brew
Just as The Wheel turns, the moon cycles through her phases. We’re sharing a magickal brew that you can stir up in your own kitchen to honor the full moon and enhance the success of your manifestations.
What It Means To Practice Kitchen Witchcraft
Do you feel a call to kitchen witchery but don’t know where to start? We want to share the foundation of what kitchen magick really is, what it means to be a kitchen witch on the daily, and how to embrace your newfound home within the hearth. We’ll also be sharing a simple kitchen cleansing ritual to get you started.
Celebrating Ostara: A Renewing Egg Ritual For Spring
As the Sun is gaining strength and the days become longer, we are reminded of the renewing energy of Spring. Now is the time to manifest those Imbolc intentions and see the seeds of your magick come to life. Are you ready to celebrate the fertile abundance of Spring with us?
Fae Frittata Muffins
Ash, our resident kitchen witch, loves to honor the Fae spirits during the spring equinox by giving them a traditional feast! She’s sharing her own Ostara recipe for Fae Frittata Muffins that are specially made for her own Fae spirits, but can also be made to honor spring itself.
Persephone Rising
The Spring equinox is a time when day and night will be in perfect balance, carrying with it the powerful themes of rebirth and new beginnings. It’s a celebration of renewed life and the abundant fertility of our Mother Earth. This makes it the perfect time to honor a true queen of balance: Persephone.
Mercury Retrograde Mojito
While we can’t stop Mercury from zooming past us, we can lean on magick to help us ride out the energetic hurricane. You can’t have a hurricane party without a little booze, so we're shaking things up over here at Solstice Sisters with this super fun (and effective!) Mercury Retrograde Mojito.
Lovey-Dovey Milk Bath Ritual
If you’re struggling to love yourself, or you’re having a hard time showing love to yourself, a ritual bath is the perfect way to take some time for self-care and relaxation. It's also one of the most potent ways you can enhance self-love.